
Coaching for individuals, dyads and teams

In individual coaching, Lauren works with clients on how they show up with others and how they show up with themselves. Lauren works with mid-level to executive leaders to better manage their self talk, their self care, and their ability to stay present in interactions with others. She assists the leader to make sense of other people’s behaviour, helping to unpack what might be motivating an individual or team, and how the leader can respond more effectively. Lauren has multiple ongoing coaching clients, some who she has worked with for several years as they are promoted and move organisations.

Lauren also works with relationship issues between leaders. This may be a leader and their manager or two peers where the relationship has become problematic. Using her experience as as couples therapist and group facilitator, Lauren initially conducts confidential individual sessions to understand each person’s perspective of the relationship. Sessions focus on what each person can do to improve the dynamic and relevant psycho-education. When Lauren determines that it is psychologically safe for both parties, coaching proceeds to joint sessions. These sessions focus on what the dyad needs to do to manage the relationship going forward.

As a team coach, Lauren conducts half and full day team workshops and follow up sessions. Previous clients have included teams who work well as individuals but want to work more collaboratively, through to teams who are currently in high conflict and seeking intervention. These sessions aim to build trust and the effective negotiation of conflict within the team. To aid this, Lauren uses a psycho-metric tool, which is debriefed during the workshop, and a range of activities. The focus is on team members better understanding each other and practical strategies for how they can work together more effectively.

All coaching sessions can be face to face or virtual. Coaching is a confidential process and, Lauren believes, that it should be solely focussed on the needs of the coachee. For this reason, Lauren does not provide references from current or past clients. Instead, she is always happy to speak to potential clients on the phone.

Book a free appointment to discuss what you would like from coaching.